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Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Days 6 & 7

We're 7 days in, and 500+ kms completed. We've been over 4 passes more than 4000m and one over 5000m. We've had 2 glorious days weather wise, and great riding conditions.  Day 6 was 90+km pretty flat with one small climb and today was shorter but a big climb over Yulong Pass.  The scenery continues to change all the time, and the campsites are special - a few visitors of the human and bovine variety.  Aprt fromthe scenery the best thing about the trip is the interaction with locals.  Almost everyone calls out hello and small children want to hi five as we go past, and we have to avoid both running over a child or getting knocked off the bike!  Met  some Chinese tourists from Shanghai at the monument marking 5000km from Beijing. All the road markers tell you how far you are from Beijing, not how far to your destination.  We passed through Lhatse - the only town so far with an English sign announcing its name. We have a chance to see Everest tomorrow for the first time, on our biggest climb of the ride, up to 5220m. Just hoping the weather holds for a bit longer.  Will write again in a couple of days if computer power and internet capacity hold on.

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