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Monday, 26 September 2011

Gyantse to Shigatse

We're now in Shigatse, Tibet's 2nd largest city, and a good (poor) example of the industrialisation of a remote Chinese city. Huge expansion but dirty, dusty and nothing to recommend it. The roads are much worse in Shigatse than in the countryside.  Last night in a hotel, with 9 more nights camping, so not much blogging over the next week or so. Will try to get photos up every couple of days.  Today was a 92 km ride, completely flat and not nearly as scenic as yesterday. It was overcast and pretty dull, which didn't help. We're still a source of much interest to locals, and stop regularly to chat (as best we can) and take photos. They are all very friedly. Nearly everyone, even in the fields, calls out "hello".  Its harvest time so there is a lot of activity, and it looks to be a pretty good harvest.  All still well and coping. Another relatively easy day tomorrow before the serious hills start again. Our main hope is for clear weather to see Mt Everest; first chance should be in a couple of days time

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